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Nuts about life

Quandong (Dried Fruit) *Halves*|50G

Quandong (Dried Fruit) *Halves*|50G

Regular price Rs 11,310.00 LKR
Regular price Sale price Rs 11,310.00 LKR
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Introducing our Australian Native line! 

We are proud of our local products and are extremely grateful to be able to bring you local products at reduced prices. 

Our famous Australian Quandong or ‘Wild Peach” has to be one of the best native foods out there and has been a staple food source for Indigenous Australians for millennia. Quandongs grow a glossy red fruit about the size of a macadamia but can also grow much bigger. The somewhat dry flesh surrounds a large, dimpled seed (popular in jewellery making) which is removed prior to drying the fruit. Quandongs are a rich source of Vitamin C and contain twice that than oranges. These little gifts of nature taste slightly sour at first yet similar to a sweet peach with salty notes. They taste completely different fresh versus cooked so why not try them both.

Our Quandongs are harvested by Indigenous Australians from NSW and come halved and dried. They make the most sensational piesand tarts (just like Grandma used to make) topped with ice-cream or cream and reconstitute 4:1. Jams, sauces, chutneys, marinades andrelish are magic when made with Quandong. Why not even reduce them down for a quandong glaze drizzled over both red and white meats – yum! So versatile you don’t even need to cook them. Sprinkle over your morning granola, or add to a fruit salad. Next time you’re heading out into the great outdoors and are wondering what powerful, healthy snack to take – forget the orange and grab a handful of dried quandongs and they’ll keep you going all day.


  • Air dried Quandong–100% Natural Australian Flavour

Our delicious Quandong Halves are processed and packed by our Nutty Team, right here in Melbourne, Australia

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