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Lamisil Once Film Forming Solution for Athletes Foot 4g

Lamisil Once Film Forming Solution for Athletes Foot 4g

Regular price Rs 12,200.00 LKR
Regular price Sale price Rs 12,200.00 LKR
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Lamisil Once is a unique anti-fungal product that requires just one application to treat athlete's foot. It is convenient and has the shortest treatment time of any tinea treatment product available. It helps treat symptoms of tinea while actively fighting the infection. It helps relieve the itching; burning & scaling frequently associated with this condition. It is soothing & well suited for inflamed, tender areas and for dry, scaly or cracked skin

Lamisil Once is easy to use – after spreading the formula on the skin, an invisible film forms. The film allows the active ingredient to continuously fight the fungal infection over an extended period of days, without needing to apply additional product.

All other anti-fungal treatments require a longer treatment time, ranging from 7 days to 28 days and many also require three applications per day to effectively eliminate athlete's foot (tinea between the toes). Lamisil Once, however, needs to be applied just once.


Terbinafine 10 mg/g (as hydrochloride). Contains alcohol.

Usage Directions:

Each tube is designed for a single application, and contains enough medication to treat both feet. To get the best results, feet should not be washed or allowed to get wet for 24 hours after the application of the treatment.

  • Wash both feet and hands and dry thoroughly.
  • Remove the cap from the tube and apply Lamisil Once to both feet, even in areas where your skin looks healthy. Most people with athlete's foot have infection on both feet, even when symptoms, such as itching and scaling, are present on only one foot.
  • Treating both feet at the same time may help prevent re-infection.
  • Use roughly half the contents of the tube for each foot, as needed to cover the skin.
  • Apply Lamisil Once between, under and all over the toes. Then apply over the sole and sides of your foot. It is important to treat your whole foot as not all infected areas show symptoms.
  • Spread quickly and evenly. Do not massage into the skin. Do not apply a second application to the skin. Treat the other foot in the same way.
  • Leave the product to dry for 1-2 minutes it will quickly dry to become a colourless film.
  • Replace the cap on the tube and discard any remaining product.
  • Do not keep the product or give the remaining product to other people.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after the application.
  • You may wear socks and shoes once the film has dried.


Store below 30°C


Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

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