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Cobram Estate Truffle Infused Oil | 250mL

Cobram Estate Truffle Infused Oil | 250mL

Regular price Rs 5,900.00 LKR
Regular price Sale price Rs 5,900.00 LKR
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Fresh, balanced notes with deep aromas and the persistent musky fragance of black truffle. The umami characters of the truffle are perfectly complemented by the nuttiness of our delicate premium extra virgin olive oil. Slight notes of bitterness and late pepperiness provide a refreshing aftertaste to the rich flavours of this extra virgin olive oil with truffle.

Ideal for

Drizzle or shallow fry. This extra virgin olive oil with truffle infusion is ideal to lift, complement or become the star in a wide range of pasta and rice dishes. A simple creamy cheesy risotto or homemade fresh pappardelle with freshly grated parmesan and truffle EVOO is all what you need to make a memorable dish. Truffle infused extra virgin olive oil also works wonders over scrambled or fried eggs. Our extra virgin olive oil with truffle is rich in umami so works incredibly well with steak. Add a bit of our truffle infused extra virgin olive oil to your mayonnaise for a luxurious topping for your burger or freeze it so it becomes solid and use it as flavoured “butter” and take your steak-and-chips game up a few notches. As it’s a fungus, adding just a drizzle of truffle infused extra virgin olive oil will make even the simplest mushroom dish really sing.

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