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Angas Park Australian Pitted Prunes | 250g

Angas Park Australian Pitted Prunes | 250g

Regular price Rs 4,150.00 LKR
Regular price Sale price Rs 4,150.00 LKR
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Angas Park Pitted Prunes are deliciously sweet, juicy and make a nutritious snack that is a source of dietary fibre. Angas Park Prunes are picked at their peak then meticulously dried hallmarks of the finest dried fruit, Bite into one and rest assured you’ve discovered the very best.

Angas Park Pitted Prunes are low in fat and cholesterol free. They are delicious eaten straight out of the pack or served in yoghurt or breakfast cereals.

Additional information

Weight 290 g
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 600 cm
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